Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What would happen if technology hadnt progressed past the original invention?

Share your thoughts


  1. What do you consider the original invention? The wheel?

  2. WTF was the original invention? The Loincloth? Because shit would be awesome if that's all we had.

  3. Ya the wheel would be the first invention I guess. I dunno I'm running out of awesome questions...

  4. WTF are we going to do with a wheel? I imagine we'd find other uses for it than just rolling it. Like throwing it at people. People like Alex. Who would be a sitting duck because his GLASSES WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN INVENTED YET!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

  5. I'm for this. Let's see Alex run.

  6. Jessica says: my thought process for this question was what would happen if we had the original invention and never tried to improve on it. For instance, the cell phone, what if he only stayed with the first one ever invented and never tried to improve it. Or the computer, could you imagine if we had to hall the first desk top around?! Or the first microwave, we would probably all die from radiation! That kinda thing...

  7. Or the first condom? Or the first Tampon? OH GAWD.....
